It's been awhile since I posted. Too long. My guilt kicked in this morning as I lay in bed thinking about how life is changing all around me and how it is still changing back home. Changes I do not get to witness.
I am going to become an Auntie for the second time very soon, yet I have only met my nephew once. Friends have gotten married and I have never met their partners. For some, careers have skyrocketed and I can't be there to encourage and support and rejoice in small and large victories. People get older, move around, break up, get sick. I miss them all. I miss you.
So much has been happening here but yet it feels like nothing. I guess it is hard to see your own world turning when you are looking down at your feet making sure you don't fall.
What's new? I left a job that depressed me and got a new one that is amazing. Except for the hours. Part-time is luxurious but doesn't help when it comes to saving for the future. Guy is finishing his course, working 2 jobs, editing some wedding videos and thinking about his next large job-related steps. Ness is losing weight, but in a good way. Moving from a studio, to a two bedroom flat, to a three bedroom house (where I purposely place litter box, water bowl and food container at different ends of the house) helps a heap.
We move into a smaller two-story house next week. It should be easier to heat so we don't freeze through another winter. Last winter was miserable. Guy and myself have very different moving styles which makes moving day that much of an extra challenge. This will also be the first places, since my childhood home, to have stairs. I'll keep you posted on how Ness reacts.
Leslie came to visit three months ago and it was the best heartwarming week I didn't want to end.
I have no idea what the future holds for me so here is a fun kiwi fact: No part of NZ is more than 128 km (79 miles) from the sea. Whoa.
Another fun kiwi fact: About one-third of NZ is protected national park. It's really pretty.
Here's another: I am still desperately in love with Guy and do not regret moving here. I don't know when I will visit the states next so please come see me. Here are photos.
One pirate and two ninjas |
Last summer at the Cook family bach |
Wellington |
Guy and his niece |
Under the Deer Head winning trivia! |
Cat selfie |
Wintery anniversary |
All Blacks support group at 5am |
Jesbo and Dropsh*t |
Cook family flock |
I planted CA poppies for a bit of home |
Master of the Mackenzie basin |
Green views |
Aloha |
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