Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Getting closer

Rail pass? Purchased.
Plane from Glasgow to Dublin? Purchased.

Bit by bit I'm starting to realize that... holy goodness... this is going to happen. Changed my itinerary slightly, now it includes Stratford-Upon-Avon. Thanks for all the love and support friends. This is an exciting journey, I am blessed to have this opportunity.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Week One - Planned

The map to the left is the basic route I will be taking. My trip has undergone several transformations and here is the most updated plan (starting in London, traveling . I will now travel by train while I am on the island of Britain and then ferry over to Dublin. Sadly I will not have enough time to make it to Belfast, the Isle of Man, and the Isle of Skye, but this means I'll have a reason to come back and visit again!

Today I booked my first six nights at a hostel in London very close to Buckingham palace. I can't wait to be a full blood tourist walking along the Thames, watching the changing of the guards, and touring the palace.

Things are starting to get expensive but I guess I knew that would happen. The best thing about planning early is that I can pay off things before they even happen. Google is being a best friend in this planning phase. I have my list in google word of sights to see, a spreadsheet of my costs, a calendar of where I'll be staying and when, and finally many maps of the entire trip and trips around the cities I'll be visiting. Neat huh? Technology!