Wednesday, June 16, 2010

25 Hours After the Intial Thought

It has been 25 hours since I started planning my trip and the more I talk about it to friends, coworkers, and family, I couldn't be more excited! I just got off the phone with my parents who (I'm pretty sure) support me in making this decision. Mom seems a little worrisome about me travel alone, but I think we both know I can handle it. The part I'm most worried about is becoming lonesome while traveling. I figure that I will be gone no more than 75 days and I can easily keep myself occupied away from my Google Reader and work.

Where do I want to go? Good question. If my good friend Katie, and her sketch comedy partner Leah, plan to do the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for the third time in 2011, I can end my trip there. I have a coworker who travels to his summer home in France every year who I know would be happy to feed me and perhaps shelter me for a night or so. A couple I met as exchange students in college have moved back to Sweden and I know they would be besides themselves with joy to see me again. Many families from work travel throughout Europe every summer and many of them stay in England. Aside from Edinburgh, the French countryside, Sweden, and London... I'd love to visit Rome, Amsterdam, Madrid, the islands of Greece, Paris, Dublin, and other places that are not coming to mind. I'm getting excited already. Please feel free to send me any input, well wishes, and money my way.

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