Well, friends and family, it's official! I have some exciting life news to announce. I am moving to MIDDLE EARTH! That's right New Zealand. Here is some background information.
Last summer when I had my Spain adventure I got a little more than what I bargained for... I met someone on my bus trip. His name was Guy and he was finishing up working abroad in London. For his last hurrah he chose to go on several bus trips around Europe and his last adventure was on the same Spain bus trip as me. We connected pretty earlier on and had a blast together. When it was time for him to fly away from Europe back to NZ I thought I'd never see him again. That made sad. But when I returned to the states myself we found each other on Skype and started talking for HOURS. I'm serious. I have no idea what we talked about for those endless hours with a ridiculous time difference, but we talked and things grew stronger. He came to visit SF for two weeks around Thanksgiving time. I thought I we would fight and get sick of one another. Nope! We had a great time. We even went to Yosemite!
So long story short I have made the executive life decision to move to NZ for a variety of reasons that I won't get into here but it is an exciting time in my life to go experience life in another country. I'll start the process of applying for a working visa, getting my cat the right paperwork in motion for the move (because yes, Ness is coming with me no matter what), and saving every bit of money I have. I have installed a PayPal widget on my blog main page so if you are interested in giving I wouldn't say no. In fact, you'd be getting lots of postcards and special emails.
Thanks for the love and support everyone. It's a big decision that didn't come easily but once I made the decision in my heart everything started falling into place. So I'm sorry if you're not getting any presents this year or if I don't go out for drinks/dinner as often.
Bring it on 2013!